

This guide describes the functions available to users of the Huggins Honda Inventory Program. This guide will assist you with the operation of your Honda Inventory system. Users who have experience with previous versions of the Huggins Honda Inventory Control software will discover that we have worked very hard to make your transition to this version a simple one. We have retained many of the keystrokes required to perform activities and added new features helping you to manage your inventory. New users should find the program easy to use with simple drop down menus and keyboard “shortcuts” which simplify navigation. Whether you are a new user, or a seasoned user of the Huggins Honda Program, please take a few moments and read this guide to familiarize yourself with the program’s capabilities.


This guide has two sections: A Users Guide and a Reference Guide. The Users Guide covers common questions often asked about system operation and presents “How To” questions that users often ask. The Reference Guide provides detailed information about the programs functionality, covering each program option in detail. Users can navigate through the guide by pressing PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN on their keyboards, or via the highlighted hyperlinks that appear throughout the document.


While using the guide please remember: There is no such thing as a dumb question! If after researching an issue you still have questions, or if you have suggestions that you believe would enhance the program, simply contact us and let us know! Our dealer network has helped make the Huggins Honda Inventory Control program the best product of its type available today. With your continued support and cooperation, we are confident that our software will help you manage your inventory and make your business more profitable.



Click here to access the Users Guide

Click here to access the Reference Guide



Users Guide

Table of Contents


How do I install the Huggins Honda Inventory Control Program?

How do I search for a part number?

How do I access the Program setup options?

How do I change my Program Password?

How do I change the default filenames the program uses?

How do I change the printer port?

How do I change the company name displayed on the main screen?

How do I setup a custom pricing formula?

What are some common pricing strategies to consider using?

How do I load my existing inventory into the program?

How do I take a part out of inventory?

How do I return a part to my inventory?

How do I delete a part from my inventory?

How do I lookup a part number I don’t stock?

What is the “Close Fit” menu and how do I access it?

How do I create a new Pick List?

How do I add parts to my existing pick list?

How do I generate a “Low Stock Report”?

How do I generate a “Suggested Reorder Report”?

How do I create a Honda Purchase Order?

How do I send a send a purchase order created by the Huggins Honda Inventory Program to Honda via theHonda Marine Business System?

How do I edit a Purchase Order before checking it in?

How do I check in a Purchase Order?

How do I delete a Purchase Order?

How do I generate a Parts On Order Report

How do I generate a report of all part numbers that I stock and currently have in inventory?

How do I generate a report of all part numbers that I stock, but have not sold this year?

How do I generate a report of all part numbers that I stock that have had sales activity in the current year?

How do I generate a report of all part numbers set up in my inventory that I am currently out of, and have had no sales activity for the current year?

How do I generate a report of all part numbers set up in my inventory that I am currently out of, but have had sales activity for the current year?

How do I generate a report of all part numbers in my inventory that I currently have in stock, but have had no sales activity on for the current year?

How do I generate a report of all part numbers in my inventory that I currently have in stock, and have had sales activity on for the current year?

How do I generate a price book of all of my parts?

How do I generate a detailed listing of all of my parts?

How do I generate a listing of the dollar value of my current inventory?

How do I generate a listing of the Replacement value of my current inventory?

How do I calculate the value of my current inventory?

What is Year End processing and how do I do it?

How do I generate a report to take my physical inventory with?

How do I set the MIN and MAX quantities on all parts I inventory to the current quantity I have on hand?

How do I set the Average Cost on all parts I inventory to the current Honda Marine cost?

How do I change the Average Cost on parts I inventory that are currently $0.00 to the current Honda Marine cost?

How do I change the Average Cost on parts I inventory that are currently $0.00 to $0.01?

How do I rotate all of my YTD sales history backwards one year?

How do I reset all of my part numbers back to 0 on hand?

How do I contact Huggins Outboard for technical support?

How do I backup my Inventory for safety purposes?


How do I search for a part number?

In order to search for a part number, simply type the part number in the Part Number Search Screen field and press ENTER. The Huggins Honda Program then searches for the part number requested.

How do I access the Program setup options?

Users can access the program setup options by clicking the F9 = SET button on the screen, by pressing the F9 key on the keyboard, or via the File \ Setup menu option. For security purposes, users will need to enter the program PASSWORD before any changes can be made to the program configuration.

How do I change my Program Password?

For security purposes, users must know the existing program PASSWORD in order to change the program PASSWORD. Additional information on changing your password can be found here.

How do I change the default filenames the program uses?

Changes are made to the default program filenames by accessing the program Setup menu. Users are discouraged from changing the default filenames unless directed to do so by Huggins technical support personnel.

How do I change the printer port?

Users can change the default printer port by accessing the Setup menu. The Huggins Honda Inventory Program for Windows creates all reports in the Search Results Field on your computer’s screen. Reports can then print by clicking on File \  Export Current Display to Notepad. The contents in the search results field will then be displayed within the notepad application included with your operating system. Once the information is displayed in your systems notepad application, you can save the information with a file name of your choice, or print the information with your default Windows printer.

How do I change the company name displayed on the main screen?

You can change the company name displayed on the main screen by accessing the Setup menu.  There is a “Company name:” field on the setup screen for you to type the name that you want displayed on your screen.

How do I setup a custom pricing formula?

In today’s challenging business environment, many dealers elect to implement custom pricing to make them more profitable. You can implement custom pricing by accessing the program Setup screen, and then clicking on the Custom Price Setup tab.

What are some common pricing strategies to consider using?

Information on Custom Pricing Strategies can be found here.

How do I load my existing inventory into the program?

Loading your existing inventory into the Huggins Honda Inventory Program in an accurate manner will ensure that the program manages your inventory properly. Many users choose to take a physical inventory of their existing parts before starting this task, and some users choose to use an existing inventory record such as a card file or inventory report from another computer program. Users should evaluate the accuracy of any existing information before relying on it as the source for setting up your inventory in the Huggins system. Users that are converting from another computer program should be aware that Huggins Outboard Computer Programs might very well be able to convert your existing inventory data for use in the Huggins system for a nominal fee. Please feel free to contact us for additional information on data conversion if you are using an existing computer program and are confident that the information is current and accurate.


To begin loading your inventory, users will need to turn on the Show Details option by clicking the F8=COST button on your screen or by simply pressing the F8 key on your keyboard.


1. Type the part number you wish to enter into the Enter part number to search field and press Enter. You will see several columns of information including: Status code, the part number you typed followed by a description and a package count if there are more than one in a package; and a price


2. Next, click the F1=EDIT button on your screen or press the F1 key on your keyboard to access the Edit Part Information dialog box. Once the Edit Part Information dialog box is displayed, enter the information for BIN, QTY, YTD, INFO, Y1-Y9 history, AVG COST, MIN, & MAX. Users can navigate from field to field by pressing ENTER, TAB, or by simply clicking the mouse cursor in the appropriate field they wish to access. Once the information has been entered, click the SAVE button to record the information. Users will then be returned to the Enter Part Number to Search, which will display the part number entered along with all inventory information for that particular part number.


You will need to repeat steps 1 and 2 for each part number you wish to enter into your inventory.

How do I take a part out of inventory?

Enter the part number into the Enter part number to search field and press ENTER. Click the F5=OUT button on the screen or press the F5 key on your keyboard. Clicking or Pressing the F5 key DECREASES the QTY field by one and INCREASES the YTD field by one. To remove more than one part from stock, click or press F5 multiple times or use F1 to manually enter the new quantity. In either case, the YTD field will automatically be increased by the amount the QTY field is decreased.


Please NOTE: The Point of Sale Program available from Huggins Outboard Computer Programs will generate invoices and decrease stock quantities with each sale made. This is a good alternative to manually updating the quantity of a part each time one is sold.

How do I return a part to my inventory?

Enter the part number into the Enter part number to search field and press Enter. Click the F6=IN button on the screen or press the F6 key on your keyboard. Clicking or pressing the F6 key INCREASES the QTY field by one and recalculates the AVG COST field. This is a quick way to add a part to stock. To add more than one part to stock, press F6 multiple times or use F1 to manually enter the new quantity. In either case, the AVG COST field will automatically be recalculated based on the current cost.

How do I delete a part from my inventory?

Enter the part number into the Enter part number to search field and press Enter. Once the information on the part number is displayed, click the F1=EDIT button on your screen or press the F1 key on your keyboard to open the Edit Part Information dialog box. Click the “Delete This Part” button located in the lower right hand corner. Additional information on deleting parts is available here.

How do I lookup a part number I don’t stock?

Enter the part number into the Enter part number to search field and press Enter. The program will search through the Honda Marine parts database and return information on the part in the Search Results Field. There are a few rules to follow when entering Honda part numbers:



                        1. You must enter the part number properly.


2.  A Honda part number made up of a maximum of 15 numbers, letters and dashes


3. The two normal forms of Honda part numbers are either: 



Examples of these are:




                        4. There are other part numbers listed that are all discontinued part numbers.  These include:


                                                M/C BROCHURES












All of the above will be able to be entered and searched.


What is the “Close Fit” menu and how do I access it?

In the event that a user enters a part number that the program does not recognize as a valid Honda Marine part number, the program will present the Close Fit Menu.

How do I create a new Pick List?

Users can create a new Pick List by Clicking File \ Start a new Pick List with the Current Part. Doing so will delete any existing Pick List, and start a new one adding the current part displayed as item 1 on the list. Additional information on creating a Pick List can be found here.

How do I add parts to my existing pick list?

If you have already started a Pick List and would like to add more parts to it, simply enter the part number to add in the enter part number to search field, press enter, and then click the F2=LIST button on the screen or press the F2 key on your keyboard. Additional information on adding parts to a Pick List can be found here.

How do I generate a “Low Stock Report”?

When you entered your inventory into the program, you had the option of setting a MIN quantity for each part number. This MIN quantity represents the lowest quantity you intend to have in stock. The Huggins system will generate a Low Stock listing that represents all part numbers where the current QTY is less than the MIN quantity. To generate the listing, Click the Reports menu and select 1. Purchase Orders \ 1.Low Stock Report. The program will generate a listing of all part numbers with QTY less than MIN. This listing will include all of the parts that have not come in yet, as well as the parts that need to be ordered. Additional information on the Low Stock Report can be found here.

How do I generate a “Suggested Reorder Report”?

Users can generate a Suggested Reorder Report by pressing both the CTRL and the S key together (CTRL + S) on their keyboard, or by accessing the Reports menu and selecting 1. Purchase Orders \ 2. Suggested Reorder Report. If the Suggested Reorder Report contains part numbers that you do not wish to order, you will need to adjust the MIN quantity of each part number in question. This can be done by double clicking the part number, which will launch the Edit Part Information dialog box. Adjust the MIN quantity and re-run the Suggested Reorder Report. Additional information on the Suggested Reorder Report can be found here.

How do I create a Honda Purchase Order?

Users are encouraged to generate a Suggested Reorder Report prior to generating a Honda Marine Business System Compatible Purchase Order. Once the Suggested Reorder Report reflects the parts you wish to order, you can launch the Build Honda Purchase Order report by either pressing both the CTRL and the B key together (CTRL +B) on your keyboard, or via the Reports menu – Reports \ 1.Purchase Orders \ 3. Build Honda Purchase Order. Once the program has created your Honda Purchase order, you will need to import and transmit the order on theHonda Marine Business System website. Click here for detailed instructions on this process.

How do I send a send a purchase order created by the Huggins Honda Inventory Program to Honda Marine via the Honda Marine Business System?

Purchase orders created by the Huggins Honda Inventory program can be sent to Honda Marine via the Honda Marine Business System Communications website. Click here for detailed instructions.

How do I edit a Purchase Order before checking it in?

Dealers often receive incomplete orders. This happens when parts are backordered, or shipped from alternate locations. Before checking in a Purchase Order, users will need to edit the Purchase Order to reflect items that are backordered are not included with the shipment. Users will need to access the Edit Purchase Orders for Backorders report. Access this report by pressing both the CTRL and the E key together (CTRL+E) on your keyboard, or through the Reports menu by clicking Reports \ 1. Purchase Orders \ 4. Edit Purchase orders for Backorders. Additional information on editing purchase orders can be found here.


How do I check in a Purchase Order?

You can check in Purchase Orders by accessing the Reports menu - Reports \ 1. Purchase Orders \ 5. Check in Purchase Orders. Additional information on checking in orders can be found here.

How do I delete a Purchase Order?

You can delete Purchase Orders by accessing the Reports menu - Reports \ 1. Purchase Orders \ 6. Delete Purchase Order. Additional information on deleting orders can be found here.

How do I generate a Parts On Order Report

Users can generate the Parts on Order Report by accessing the Reports menu and selecting 1. Purchase Orders \ 7. Parts on Order. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers that I stock, but am currently out of?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 1. Parts with zero Quantity report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers that I stock and currently have in inventory?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 2. Parts with Quantity report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers that I stock, but have not sold this year?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 3. Parts with Zero YTD report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers that I stock that have had sales activity in the current year?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 4. Parts with YTD report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers set up in my inventory that I am currently out of, and have had no sales activity for the current year?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 5. Parts with zero Quantity and zero YTD report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers set up in my inventory that I am currently out of, but have had sales activity for the current year?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 6. Parts with zero Quantity and non-zero YTD report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers in my inventory that I currently have in stock, but have had no sales activity on for the current year?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 7. Parts with non-zero Quantity and zero YTD report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report of all part numbers in my inventory that I currently have in stock, and have had sales activity on for the current year?

Access the Reports menu and select 2. Quantity and YTD subset reports \ 8. Parts with non-zero Quantity and non-zero YTD report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a price book of all of my parts?

Access the Reports menu and select 3. Stock Reports \ 1. Price book of all parts in Stock report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a detailed listing of all of my parts?

Access the Reports menu and select 3. Stock Reports \ 2. Pricebook with all Inventory Details report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a listing of the dollar value of my current inventory?

Access the Reports menu and select 3. Stock Reports \ 3. Pricebook showing average cost report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a listing of the Replacement value of my current inventory?

Access the Reports menu and select 3. Stock Reports \ 4. Pricebook showing replacement cost report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I calculate the value of my current inventory?

Access the Reports menu and select 3. Stock Reports \ 5. Calculate value of current inventory report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

What is Year End processing and how do I do it?

Year End processing is performed on an annual basis to close the current year. Access the Reports menu and select 3. Stock Reports \ 6. End of Year Processing to reset YTD report. Additional information on this report can be found here.

How do I generate a report to take my physical inventory with?

Access the Reports menu and select 3. Stock Reports \ 7. Pricebook sorted by bin location report. Additional information on this report can be found here. We recommend that you print this report once with quantities included, and once without quantities. Provide the personnel taking the physical inventory with the copy that does not include quantities. This will prevent inventory personnel from assuming that the current quantity is correct and skip over small parts or parts that are difficult to count. Have your inventory personnel count and write in the actual quantity for each part number, then use the copy with quantities included to verify proper inventory counts.

How do I set the MIN and MAX quantities on all parts I inventory to the current quantity I have on hand?

Access the Reports menu and select 4. Utilities \ 1.Set all Min’s and Max’s to the current QTY utility. Additional information on this utility can be found here.

How do I set the Average Cost on all parts I inventory to the current Honda Marine cost?

Access the Reports menu and select 4. Utilities \ 2. Set all Avg Cost to the current cost utility. Additional information on this utility can be found here.

How do I change the Average Cost on parts I inventory that are currently $0.00 to the current Honda Marine cost?

Access the Reports menu and select 4. Utilities \ 3. Set all Avg cost that are 0 to current cost utility. Additional information on this utility can be found here.

How do I change the Average Cost on parts I inventory that are currently $0.00 to $0.01?

Access the Reports menu and select 4. Utilities \ 4. Set all AVG cost that are 0 to 0.01 utility. Additional information on this utility can be found here.

How do I rotate all of my YTD sales history backwards one year?

If users inadvertently run the 3. Stock Reports \ 6. End of Year Processing to reset YTD report more than once and would like to rotate their YTD sales histories backwards, access the 4. Utilities \ 5. Rotate YTD Y-1, Y-2, etc. Backwards utility. Additional information on this utility can be found here.

How do I reset all of my part numbers back to 0 on hand?

If you wish to reset the QTY field for each part number you stock to 0, access the 4. Utilities \ 6. Set all QTY fields back to 0 utility. Additional information on this utility can be found here.

How do I backup my Inventory for safety purposes?

We recommend that you make a backup of your Inventory Data once a week. Click on the “Stockfile Backup” icon in your Huggins Programs group to initiate a backup to your 3.5” floppy disk drive. Additional information on backing up your inventory data can be found here.

How do I contact Huggins Outboard for technical support?

You can contact us by telephone or via e-mail. Click here for our contact information.



Reference Manual

Table of Contents:


Return to the Introduction

Installation Instructions

Special Network Information:

Honda Marine Partsmart configuration

Backing up your inventory Data



Part Number Search Screen

            COD = Code Field:

S = Status Code Field:

            PART Number Field:

            DESCRIPTION Field:



            PRICE Field:

            BIN Field:

            QTY Field:

            YTD Field

            Search Results Field:

            Function Keys:










                        F10=SS (supercede)

            Detail Fields


                        YTD History

                        YTD History

                        Pricing Information and Time and Date Stamp::

            Close Fit Menu

File Menu

            Edit Current Part: [F1]





                        Previous years sales history:

                        Yam Price:

                        Yam Cost:

                        Avg Cost:




                        Qty on Order:

                        Purchase Order:

                        Order Date:

                        Delete this Part

            Export Current Display to Notepad

            Start a new Pick List with Current Part

            Add Current Part to Pick list

            Export Pick List to Notepad

            Parts List [F7]

            Setup [F9]

                        Program Password Maintenance:

                        Setup Fields – File Setup


                                    Price File:

                                    Super File:

                                    After File:

                                    Inver File:

                                    Stock File:

                                    YCS Path:

                                    Printer Name:

                                    Company Name:

                                    Dealer Number:

                                    F5 + F6 Sounds:

                                    Sound Ticks:

                                    Sound Hertz:

                                    Show Details:


                                    Text Color:

                                    Accent Color:


                        Custom Price Setup

                                    Custom Pricing Strategies:


View Menu

            Show Details [F8}

                        Details Includes Info Line:

                        Details Includes 9 Years History:

                        Details Include Price Line:

                        Details Includes Min/Max Reorder Line:

            Show Aftermarket:

            Show Reverse SS:

            Font Size:


Reports Menu

            Purchase Order Reports:

                        1. Low Stock Report:

                        2. Suggested Reorder Report: [CTRL + S]

                        3. Build Honda Marine Business System Purchase Order: [CTRL + B]

                                    Honda Marine Business System Batch Order Entry

                                                Import Your Huggins Purchase Order:

Transmit Your Huggins Purchase Order via Honda Marine Business System Communications:

                        4. Edit Purchase Order for Back Orders: [CTRL + E]

                        5. Check in Purchase Order

                        6. Delete Purchase Order

                        7. Parts on Order

                        Qty-YTD subset reports

                        1. Parts with Zero Quantity

                        2. Parts with Quantity

                        3. Parts with Zero YTD

                        4. Parts with YTD

                        5. Parts with zero QTY and zero YTD

                        6. Parts with zero QTY and non-zero YTD

                        7. Parts with non-zero QTY and zero YTD

                        8. Parts with non-zero QTY and non-zero YTD

            Stock Reports

                        1. Pricebook of all parts in stock:

                        2. Pricebook with all Inventory Details:

                        3. Pricebook showing average cost:

                        4. Pricebook showing replacement cost:

                        5. Calculate Value of Current Inventory:

                        6. End of Year Processing to reset YTD: (Close Year)

                        7. Pricebook sorted by Bin location:


                        1. Set all Min’s and Max’s to current QTY

                        2. Set all Avg Cost to current cost:

                        3. Set all Avg cost that are 0 to current cost:

                        4. Set all Avg cost that are 0 to 0.01:

                        5. Rotate YTD, Y-1, Y-2, etc. backwards

                        6. Set all QTY fields back to 0:

            Stock Database Utilities

                        Check for Sort Errors:

                        Repair Sort Errors:

                        Check for Duplicate Parts:

                        Delete Duplicate Parts:

                        Check for Invalid Parts:

                        Delete Invalid Parts:

            Price Database Utilities

                        Check for Sort Errors:

                        Repair Sort Errors:

                        Check for Duplicate Parts:

                        Delete Duplicate Parts:

                        Check for Invalid Parts:

                        Delete Invalid Parts:

Pictures Menu

            Show Pictures:

            Crop Pictures:

            Tile Pictures:

            Size Pictures


Help Menu:

            Users Guide – Explain common tasks, reports, etc.

            Reference Manual – Explain each menu and button

            Huggins on the Web (

            Support Web Site (



Contact Information:


Installation Instructions


New Users: (Single Computer Configuration)


Huggins Outboard Computer Programs provides software on computer CD-ROM disks. Our goal is to make the installation process as simple as possible for you! To install your Honda Inventory Program simply insert your CD-ROM into your computers CD-ROM drive. The installation program should start automatically. In the event that your computer does not recognize the automatic installation utility on your CD-ROM, simply click START, RUN and type D:\SETUP to launch the installation process. You may need to substitute your CD-ROM drive letter if it is different than D:\ . Once the installation begins, simply follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.


Please Note: The default (standard) installation location for your Huggins software is in the following location:


We encourage all users to load the software in this location to simplify installation of future price updates, program upgrades, and to insure the functionality with existing Huggins software as well as software provided by Honda Marine. If you or your system administrator chooses to load the software in a different location on your computer system, please contact Huggins Outboard Computer Systems and advise us as to the installation location of your Huggins Software so that we can update your customer records for future reference.


New Users: (Network or Multiple Computer Configurations)


The Huggins Honda Inventory Control Program is available in a network compatible version. If you purchased a network version, your installation CD will present you with two installation buttons. One of the buttons is to install the software on your “server” computer, and the other button is used to install the software on your “client” computers. After clicking the proper button for your installation, simply follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.


Please Note: The default installation location for “client” computers in a network environment requires the use of a mapped H:\Huggins drive letter. Your network administrator should have client computers pre-configured with an H:\Huggins drive prior to installation of the Huggins Honda Inventory Program. While our network compatible software is furnished with networking and installation instructions, we also offer networking configuration telephone support based on an hourly fee.

Special Network Information:

If you have a network setup or for any other reason prefer to put your data files in a different directory, then you will need to change the setup. A special network version that allows more than one workstation to share the same data file will already be available as a part of your network setup. See your network installer for more details. Note that this program uses wait locking for critical reports and no wait locking for specific parts access. This support maintains the integrity of your parts data even though multiple workstations have access to the same data files.

Backing up your inventory Data

Backing up your inventory data is a critical step in maintaining your computer system. After you have entered your inventory and begun using the system, your inventory data will have tremendous value based on the labor involved in entering it into your system. Each and every day that you use this program, the value of your inventory data becomes even more valuable. Imagine how your business might run if all of this inventory data was lost. Imagine how you would feel if your computer was stolen, or your harddrive failed and you had to start over from scratch with no inventory backup. Please – Take a few moments and create a backup policy for your dealership, and appoint an individual to perform the backup.


Dealers often ask us – “How often should I be doing a backup”? There is no simple answer. At a minimum, users should backup their data once a week. Some users choose to perform backups more frequently, and unfortunately, some users choose to do them less frequently. Just remember, In the event of a harddrive failure that would force the restoration of your last backup, the data will only be as current as the last time you performed a backup.    In spite of everything you might do, backups are always said to be as good as the last time you actually did a restore.  No backup system can ensure or guarantee that the data on the backup was indeed transferred.  It is highly recommended that from time to time the backup be used on another system to attempt a restore to test the backup. 


To further help your business, you can arrange to send Huggins Outboard Computer Programs, Inc. one of your backup disks.  We will test restore the backup and archive the disk for you. If there is a problem with the backup, you will be personally notified and if you ever need that disk returned, simply contact us and we will ship it back to you for free.


We have included a simple to use, fast backup program that will allow you to backup your inventory data to your floppy disk drive. Most users will discover that it takes less than 30 seconds to backup all of your inventory data! As time goes by and your inventory grows, the backup program will actually prompt you to “Insert Disk 2” should the file size exceed the capacity of a single floppy diskette! Considering the value of your inventory data and the time required performing a daily backup, why would you not implement and enforce a backup policy?


Not backing up to floppy disks?  Not a problem! Contact Huggins Outboard Computer Programs and we can provide alternate backup options without any additional purchases.


To perform a backup of your Inventory Data, perform the following:


·        Make sure all users have “closed” the Huggins Honda Inventory Program on all computers.

·        Insert an empty floppy disk into your floppy disk drive (A:).

·        Double click the “Stockfile Backup” icon located in your Huggins Programs folder.

·        Be sure the empty diskette is in your floppy drive and press any key on your keyboard to begin the backup.

·        Once completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the file and the time and date of backup.

·        Write the time and date you see on the computer screen on the sticker on the floppy diskette.

·        Press any key to return to your desktop.


You have successfully backup up your inventory data! Be sure, store your backup diskettes in a safe, and secure location. It’s also good idea to always keep a copy of your backup at a location other than your business in the event of a flood or fire.


Please Note: The backup procedure described above backs up your Inventory Data only. If you have a ZIP drive or some other form of removable media and wish to backup your entire Huggins System including Inventory Data, Program Files, etc., Please consult with your network administrator or contact us for alternate backup configurations.







Part Number Search Screen


Part Number Search Screen (No Part Number has been entered)


The first screen you see when you start the Honda Marine Inventory Program is the Part Number Search Screen. Let's cover this screen from the top down.


The Blue title Bar displayed at the top of the windows displays this program’s icon and the program name Honda Inventory Program.


Please Note: This is the icon that is shown in your windows task bar when the program is minimized.


The command line is displayed next and contains drop down menus for the following functions: FILE, VIEW, REPORTS, PICTURES, and HELP. Clicking on the command can access the drop down menus, or via your keyboard using ALT-F, ALT-V, ALT-R, ALT-P, and ALT-H keystrokes. The functions associated with each of these menus are covered in detail later in this document.


The first line contains your dealership name. This name has been set up in the program for you.  Should you ever need to change this name, just give us a call and we can help you.


The second line contains the name of the program: Honda Inventory Program.


The third line prompts the user to “Enter Part Number to Search” This is where users enter Honda Marine part numbers to obtain information.


The forth Line is called the “Heading” line. The heading line contains abbreviations and descriptive titles for the fields that are contained in the Honda price file and the stock file. The Headings are as follows:


Part Number Field:

The PART Number Field contains the searched part number. If you ever get unexpected results, check this field to see if the part number is correct. 


The DESCRIPTION field contains the 20-character description provided by Honda on the price CD.

PRICE Field:

The PRICE field indicates the “dealership list price.”  If you are using a custom price formula, this is your list price using your formula.  If the part number you called has been superseded or is no longer available from Honda, this information is displayed in this field just as the paper copy of the Honda price book does it.

BIN Field:

The BIN field identifies the character stock room location of a part you stock.  You must enter this information for each part in your inventory; otherwise, the field appears blank.

QTY Field:

The QTY field identifies the current quantity on hand for the part searched. Quantity will only be present for parts in your stock file.

YTD Field

The YTD or Year-To-Date field gives the quantity sold of this part number thus far this year. As the quantity field is decreased (See F5=OUT), the YTD field is increased automatically.  YTD applies only to parts that are in your stock file. At the end of each year, there is a special report that you should run which moves the YTD counts for each part into the history area for that part. Detailed instructions for running this report can be found here. (Need Hyperlink)

Search Results Field:

The white space in the center of the program screen will display the results for the “part number searched”

Function Keys:

The bottom of the program window contains a series of buttons that correspond to the following functions:


Clicking the F1 key pictured on the screen or pressing the F1 key on your keyboard will open the “Edit Part Number” dialog box as pictured here.


Clicking the F2 key pictured on the screen or pressing the F2 key on your keyboard will add the current part number to the Pick List in progress. For instructions on starting a new Pick List, click here.


Clicking the F3 key pictured on pressing the F3 key on your keyboard exits the program.


Clicking the F4 key pictured on the screen or pressing the F4 key on your keyboard opens the Reports Menu pictured here.


Clicking the F5 key pictured on the screen or pressing the F5 key on your keyboard decreases the QTY field by one and increases the YTD field by one. This is a quick way to remove a part from stock. To remove more than one part from stock, you can click or press F5 more than once or you can use F1=EDIT to manually enter the new quantity. In either case, the YTD field is automatically increased by the amount the QTY is decreased.


Please Note: If you are not sure if you pressed [F5] or not, you can check the TIME & DATE stamp by pushing [F8] to enter DETAILS mode. If the TIME & DATE are current, then you did push [F5]. If you are not sure if you accidentally pushed F5 twice, you will have to check a recent inventory report or just go count the parts in the BIN. To avoid this trouble, always remember what the quantity field was to start with and double check when you are finished to make sure it has been decreased the proper amount.  You are allowed to decrease the quantity field down past 0 into the negative numbers.  This is to allow you to sell a part you do not have (off of a new engine, from a larger subassembly, or from its component parts) and later make your counts come out right when your parts order comes in and you replace the robbed part.


The [F5] key updates the TIME & DATE stamp in the part record, as does any change to the part record.


Please Note: The Point of Sale Program available from Huggins Outboard Computer Programs will generate invoices and decrease stock quantities with each sale made. This is a good alternative to manually updating the quantity of a part each time one is sold.


Please Note: The F5 OUT key can be password protected in order to prevent unauthorized users from removing parts from your inventory. Additional details on setting up this security feature can be found here.



Clicking the [F6] key pictured on the screen or pressing the [F6] key on your keyboard increases the QTY field by one and recalculates the AVG COST field. This is a quick way to add a part to stock. To add more than one part to stock, you could press or click F6 more than once or you could use F1=EDIT to manually enter the new quantity. In either case, the AVG COST field will automatically be recalculated based on the current cost. Clicking or pressing the [F6] key updates the TIME & DATE stamp in the part record, as does any change to the part record.


Clicking the [F7] key pictured on the screen or pressing the [F7] key on your keyboard will produce a listing of your entire parts inventory in numerical part number order. This listing can then be referenced by the user, or printed by exporting to Notepad.


Clicking the F8 Key pictured on the screen or pressing the F8 key on your keyboard turns the Details view on or off. Users can select which fields are displayed with details turned on by setting the options in the View menu.


Please Note: The default setting for your software is Details off. Users may wish to have the details turned on each time they start the program. Click here for information on how to have details on each time you start your program.


Clicking the F9 key pictured on the screen or pressing the F9 key on your keyboard will launch the program setup options. Click here for additional information on program setup options.

F10=SS (supersede)

Clicking the F10 key pictured on the screen or pressing the F10 key on your keyboard allows you to stock the new part available from Honda. For example, part number 64X-W0090-00-8P has been superseded 2 times since it was created. If you search for part number 64X-W0090-00-8P, you will see that 64X-W0090-00-8P has been superseded to 65V-W0090-00-8P, which supersedes to 65V-W0090-01-8P. Just because the number is superseded does not mean that you might not have any of the older part numbers in your inventory. However, if you wish to “drill down” through the listing of superceded numbers to reach the current number, simply click the F10 key pictured or press the F10 key on your keyboard to do so. Each time you press F10, you will drill down 1 level through the supercede chain. This feature can be a big time-saver if you are using an older service manual or microfiche library that contains older part numbers which have since been superseded.

Detail Fields


Part Number Search Screen with Details turned on


There are four additional lines of information that can be selectively displayed. These are referred to as DETAILS. You can see these fields only when F8=Cost is selected. These details can be turned on or off by clicking the F8 key pictured on your screen, pressing the F8 key on your keyboard, or by clicking the View menu and selecting Show Details.



The first detail line is an information line that can be used to save additional information about the part.  When details are turned off, the INFO: line is not displayed.

YTD History

The second detail line contains the year to date history for the last nine years. The Y1 field contains the year to date count for last year. The Y2 field contains the year to date count for 2 years ago, etc. In order to maintain accurate YTD parts counts, you must “close” your year on an annual basis. Click here for additional information on closing the year.

Pricing Information and Time and Date Stamp:

The third detail line contains the pricing information for the part searched, as well as a time and date stamp that indicates the last time the part record was changed. If you are using a custom price formula, the MFG PRICE displayed will be different from the LIST PRICE displayed. The MFG PRICE is the Honda suggested list price (the one printed in the paper copy of the Honda price book from Honda Marine.) The LIST PRICE displayed will be your selling price. The MFG COST is your cost for this part, and is used in calculating the AVG COST for accounting purposes. The time and date stamp indicates when this part’s record was last changed.

Min \ Max \ Qty on Order \ PO \ Order Date Information:

The fourth detail line contains the Min, Max, Qty on Order, PO#, and Order Date fields and are used to maintain inventory.

Close Fit Menu

The “Close Fit” menu screen


In the event that a user enters a part number that the program does not recognize as a valid Honda part number, the program will preset the Close Fit menu as pictured above. The program will attempt to take you to a series of part numbers that are as close to the number you typed as possible. In the example pictured above, the part number 65W-134 was entered.  Although not a valid part number, it is the first part of a Honda part number. The close fit menu opened and highlighted the valid part number 65W-13411-00-00 that most closely resembles the number entered 65W-134. This feature is very helpful in the event you only know part of an existing part number, or enter a part number incorrectly!


Note that dashes are optional when entering a part number. The Huggins Mercury Inventory Program will automatically format your entered part number with the proper number of dashes according to Honda part number rules.






File Menu

File Menu Options

Edit Current Part: [F1]

In order to use the program for inventory control, users must provide the program with information on the parts they inventory. Users enter a part number, and then edit the information associated with that part number. (see picture below)

Edit Part Number Dialog


Users will typically fill in existing inventory information in the white fields pictured above. They are as follows:



6 Character address of where parts are located in your stockroom. Example: A13


The current quantity on hand. Example: 1


The number of this part number sold this year.


A 20 character field for quick additional information.  The notes appears on many of the Huggins inventory screens such as the Close Fit Menu. Turning off Show Details will not have any affect on the Notes.


A 75 character field for information you wish to see when researching the part number with Show Details turned on. Example: “There are more of these in the storage trailer”

Previous years sales history:

The number of parts sold for the year indicated. Users may wish to input this information if they have it available. If not, the program will automatically record this information each year when you close your YTD sales.

Yam Price:

The current List price of the part as published by Honda Marine. (Your retail may differ if you are using custom pricing).

Yam Cost:

 The current Cost price as published by Honda Marine.

Avg Cost:

The average cost for the part number. Average cost are computed by the quantity on hand, and the amount paid for each one.


This field indicates the last date and time there was activity on the part number.


The Minimum stocking quantity you wish to maintain. Example: (We never want to have less than Min on Hand)


 The Maximum stocking quantity you wish to maintain. Example: (We never want to have more than Max on Hand)

Qty on Order:

The quantity that is currently on order. If you use your Huggins system to produce purchase orders, the quantity on order will be displayed here.

Purchase Order:

The purchase order number, which contains this part number. If you use your Huggins system to produce purchase orders, the purchase order number will be displayed here.

Order Date:

The date of the Purchase order, which contains this part number. If you use your Huggins system to produce purchase orders, the purchase order date will be displayed here.

Save Button

Once you have entered the relevant information for the part number, click on Save to retain the information entered. To abandon any changes you have made, click on Quit.

Delete this Part

If you wish to delete all quantity on hand, and historical information on this part number, click on the Delete This Part button. You will be presented with the following warning dialog:



Choose Yes or No keeping in mind that your inventory totals will be adjusted accordingly.


Export Current Display to Notepad

Sample of Search Results exported to Notepad


Clicking on this option will export the data contained in the search results field to the Notepad application included with your operating system. From notepad, the information can then be saved or printed depending on your requirements.



Start a new Pick List with Current Part

Clicking on this option will create a new Pick list starting with the part number selected. Once selected, you will be presented with the following dialog box:



Select Yes to create a new Pick list or No to cancel the operation.


Add Current Part to Pick list


Clicking on this option will add the selected part to a Pick list that has already been started.


Export Pick List to Notepad


A 3 item pick list created with details turned off


Clicking on this option will export the Pick list to the notepad application supplied with your operating system. Once exported, the Pick List can be saved as a file or printed depending on your requirements.


Please Note: When creating Pick Lists, your pick list will reflect detailed data for each part if you have F8 Cost (details) turned on!


Parts List [F7]


Clicking this option will generate a complete Parts List for all parts currently set up in your system. The parts will be sorted by Honda Marine part number and displayed in the search results screen of your program. If you wish to print or save this parts list, click FILE and EXPORT CURRENT DISPLAY TO NOTEPAD. Once the report is displayed, simply save or print the report.


Setup [F9]


Setup Screen


The setup screen is accessed by clicking FILE, SETUP or by pressing the F9 key on your keyboard. Please note that these settings should only be modified by management personnel. For security purposes, these screens are PASSWORD protected and can only be modified by users who have the program PASSWORD.


WARNING: Changes to the settings on the setup screens can have drastic effects on your inventory files. DO NOT make any changes to these settings without first backing up your system. Failure to do so could result in losing your inventory information!


Program Password Maintenance:


In order to make changes to the program settings, authorized users must first enter the proper PASSWORD. The program will not allow users to advance until the proper PASSWORD has been entered. If you wish to change your program PASSWORD, please perform the following:

Backup your Program

Enter the current program PASSWORD


Type your new PASSWORD – Note: You will only see asterisks displayed for security purposes.

Click SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of your screen.

Store your PASSWORD in a secure location for future reference.


If you are attempting to access the setup screen and have lost or forgotten your program password, please contact Huggins Outboard Computer Systems at 919-787-1836.


Some of the setup fields apply to both the old DOS system and the new Windows system.  Some users will be using both systems in parallel until they have upgraded all of their computers to pentium level computers to run the Windows version.  Until then, only changes made in the Windows F9 setup screen effect both the DOS and windows versions.  Changes made in the DOS F9 setup screen affect only the DOS system.





Setup Fields – File Setup




Computer path for the Huggins files.  This must have a backslash after the path.  Normally C:\HUGGINS\  (Do not Modify unless instructed to do so by Huggins Technical Support)

Price File:

Program Price file name (Do Not Modify unless instructed to do so by Huggins Technical Support)

Super File:

Program Supercede filename (Do Not Modify unless instructed to do so by Huggins Technical Support)

After File:

Program Aftermarket file name (Do Not Modify unless instructed to do so by Huggins Technical Support)

Inver File:

Program Inver file name (Do Not Modify unless instructed to do so by Huggins Technical Support)

Stock File:

Program Stock file name (Do Not Modify unless instructed to do so by Huggins Technical Support)

Printer Name:

Port setting for local printer. Normally LPT1

Company Name:

Your Company Name

F5 + F6 Sounds:

Turns “Beep” on or off when users use the F5 key to remove inventory from the program or F6 to add inventory to the program.

Sound Ticks:

Activates a ticking sound when users are pulling parts.

Sound Hertz:

The frequency setting for your computers speaker.

Show Details:

This setting allows users to configure the program to automatically show details each time the program is launched. Please keep in mind that this feature can be toggled on and off by simply hitting the F8 key while the program is in use


This is the color setting for the Background color for the MS-DOS version of the program. This feature is available in the windows based versions for users who choose to operate both the Windows and DOS versions on the same network.

Text Color:

This is the color setting for the Text color for the MS-DOS version of the program. This feature is available in the windows based versions for users who choose to operate both the Windows and DOS versions on the same network.

Accent Color:

This is the color setting for the Accent color for the MS-DOS version of the program. This feature is available in the windows based versions for users who choose to operate both the Windows and DOS versions on the same network.


Activating this security feature will require all users to enter the program PASSWORD when adding or deleting inventory from the program using the F5 or F6 keys.


Setup Fields - Custom Price Setup

Custom Price Setup Screen


The Custom Price Setup screen allows you to enter your price ranges, percentages, and fixed increases the way that makes sense for your business!  Note that the formula lets you change the numerator and the denominator of the percentage fraction.  To add 10% markup, for example, you would make the fraction 110/100.  To build in a 10% discount, make the fraction 100/90.  The fixed increase is a useful part of the formula allowing you to add a fixed amount to lower priced parts (or all parts for that matter) to cover your inventory overhead.  For higher priced parts, this fixed increase can be used to cover UPS postage in case it is a special order or in case you have to reship the part somewhere else.


Do you want you selling price to be based on Cost or List:

 Select which method you wish to use for custom pricing. The default setting is LIST


To sell your Parts at the Published List Price, simply click on the Retail button and then click the Save Changes button. This is the default setting when your software is installed.


If you wish to use the “Huggins” formula, simply click on the Huggins button and then click the Save Changes button. The Huggins formula is detailed here.


Range 1 through Range 10

The Range fields allow users to create their own pricing ranges for applying custom pricing if they choose to do so. Simply enter the beginning dollar amount, and then the ending dollar amount to create a pricing range. The program supports up to 10 custom pricing ranges should your markup strategy require them.


Please Note: Users of the Huggins Accessory Program will need to duplicate custom formulas used in the Honda Inventory Control program within the Huggins Accessory Program for the MERC vendor. Please refer to your Huggins Accessory Program users guide or contact us if you need assistance with duplicating the custom price formula in the Huggins Accessory Program.


Minimum: This field allows users to set a Minimum selling price for all Honda Marine parts. Example: If $1.00 is set as the minimum selling price, a part with a suggest list of .85 will automatically be marked up to $1.00.


Please Note: You do not have to use custom pricing in order to utilize this feature. Simply set your minimum selling price and all parts with a suggest list price less than you minimum selling price will be marked up to your minimum selling price!


Rounding: Setting an amount in the rounding field will automatically round all prices to end in this number. With rounding set to 0.05, a part with a published list price of $32.57 will be marked up to $32.60.


Please Note: You do not have to use custom pricing in order to utilize this feature. Simply set the rounding figure and all part prices will be rounded to this number!


Custom Pricing Strategies:


There are several possible ways to increase your profit selling parts:


1.                  Establish a dealership minimum price (Example:  Dealership minimum of .95).


2.         Use a custom price formula based on LIST price


            A.        Across the board (Example:  All prices 10% above LIST price).


            B.         Interval based strategy


                        EXAMPLE 1

              This is an example of the Huggins method, which can be invoked by simply clicking on the Huggins button.

              100.01 –     UP  :  0.0% + $10.00

               10.01 - 100.00  : 10.0%

                0.01 -  10.00  :  0.0% + $ 1.00


          EXAMPLE 2

              100.01 -     UP  :  5.0%

               20.01 - 100.00  : 10.0%

               10.01 -  20.00  : 15.0%

                 5.01 -  10.00  : 20.0%

                 .01 -   5.00  : 25.0%


3.         Use a custom price formula based on COST price


            A.        Across the board (Example:  All prices 100% above COST price)


            B.         Based entirely on COST ranges


              100.01 -  UP    :  66.0%

               10.01 - 100.00 :  75.0%

                 .01 -  10.00 : 100.0%

View Menu

The View Menu


Show Details [F8]

Users can activate the “Details” cost view by clicking this option, or by simply pressing the F8 key on their keyboard.


Please Note: Users can customize which fields are displayed with the “Details” view in use. Options that are turned on are indicated with a check mark to their left.

Details Includes Info Line:

Activate or deactivate this option if you want the Info line displayed when details are turned on. The default setting is on

Details Includes 9 Years History:

Activate or deactivate this option if you want your previous YTD sales numbers displayed when details are turned on. The default setting is on.

Details Include Price Line:

Activate or deactivate this option if you want List Price, Cost Price, and Average Cost fields displayed when details are turned on. The default setting is on.

Details Includes Min/Max Reorder Line:

Activate or deactivate this option if you want you MIN and MAX quantities displayed when details are turned on. The default setting is on.

Show Aftermarket:

Activate or deactivate this option to display aftermarket products, which are compatible with the part number researched. The default setting is on.

Show Reverse SS:

Activate or deactivate this option to display reverse supersession of the part number researched.

Font Size:

Select the font size that you prefer or you can just leave the check mark on the Automatic Font Size Adjustment and the program will adjust the font size automatically.


View Font Size Screen


Please Note: Users can adjust the size of the program window by placing their cursor at the edge of the program window, or in any of the four corners of the program window. When your cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, simply click and drag the window to the desired size. The font size will automatically be adjusted to accommodate the window size you choose!


Reports Menu

Reports Screen with Purchase Orders Reports Displayed

Purchase Order Reports:

1. Low Stock Report:

This option will produce a listing of all of the parts in your computer with QTY is less than the minimum. This includes all parts on order that have not come in yet as well as the parts that need to be ordered.


2. Suggested Reorder Report: [CTRL + S]

This option will produce a listing of all of the parts that need to be ordered. You should run this report and then change the MIN and MAX values of any parts that you want added or removed from this list. Rerun this report to make sure it contains the exact list of parts that you want ordered. When you are satisfied the report is suggesting your desired order, generate a purchase order using report Build Honda Purchase Order.


Please Note: Pushing both the CTRL & S keys together on your keyboard will also acces


Please Note: If the QTY in stock plus any possible QTY already on order is less than the MIN value, then an amount will be ordered to bring the QTY up to the MAX level.

Suggested Reorder Report


3. Build Honda Purchase Order: [CTRL + B]

Create Honda Purchase Order Dialog


Please Note: Pushing the CTRL and B keys on your keyboard at the same time (CTRL + B) will access this option!


When users launch this report, the dialog box pictured above is displayed. The fields included in the dialog box are as follows:


Purchase Order Number:

The program will automatically assign a PO number based on the current date. If you wish to change this PO number, simply enter the desired number in the Purchase Order Number field. Please note that there is an 8-character limit on Purchase Order Numbers.


Before you create a purchase order, be certain that there are indeed items to be contained in the purchase order by running a Suggested Reorder report [CTRL-S].            If there are no items, a blank purchase order will be created.


Click the OK button to create the Honda Purchase order or Cancel to quit. Users who choose OK will be returned to the Part Number Search screen where they will see a listing similar to the one pictured below. This screen displays a listing of the purchase order that was just created. Users can print this information by selecting File \ Export Current Display to Notepad and then selecting the Print option from their notepad application. Please keep in mind that the purchase order now needs to be transmitted to Honda Marine.



You will need to print the order and either call or fax the order to Honda Marine.


If you selected the Honda Marine Business System as your purchase order type, you will need to Import the purchase order via the Honda Marine Business System Order website, and then transmit the purchase order to Honda Marine using the Honda Marine Business System website.


Honda Marine Business System Batch Order Entry


Order Entry Screen from Honda Marine Business System Software




Transmit Your Huggins Purchase Order Via Honda Marine Business System Communications:


4. Edit Purchase Order for Back Orders: [CTRL + E]

Before checking in a purchase order, users may need to edit the order if the order is incomplete. Open the Edit Purchase Order for Back Orders by pressing CTRL + E keys on your keyboard, or by accessing the Reports menu and selecting 1. Purchase Orders \ 4. Edit Purchase order for Back Orders. You will be presented with a dialog box similar to the one pictured below:


Open Purchase Order Dialog


Select the purchase order that needs to be edited be either double clicking the purchase order number, or by highlighting the purchase order number and clicking the Open button. In the example pictured above, we need to edit purchase order number PO030907.HON as there were some K5925-61052 IMPELLERS backordered. After selecting the proper PO number, you will be presented with the following dialog box:



Click OK and the contents of the purchase order will be displayed on your screen as pictured below:


Purchase Order Details Screenshot


Double click any part number that you need to edit to open the Edit line on Purchase Order dialog box that appears below. In the example pictured below, the part number 30- 60794A 4 has been selected:


Edit Line in Purchase order Dialog


Adjust the quantity in the “Quantity that actually shipped on this Purchase Order” field to reflect the actual quantity received if you received less than the number ordered. If you didn’t receive ANY (zero) of the part number in question simply click the Zero arrived – OK button. In the example pictured above, part number 30- 60794A 4 was backordered. Press the Zero arrived – OK button and repeat these steps for all part numbers that were not included with your order. Once you have adjusted the “Quantity that actually shipped on this Purchase Order” for each part number that was not included with the shipment, you are ready to Check in the Purchase Order.


Please Note: Editing the part numbers does not remove them from the Purchase Order. The items will still be shown as “On Order” in the program. You are simply “editing” the purchase order in preparation for checking it in to your program via the Check in Purchase Order report.


5. Check in Purchase Order

Launching the Check in Purchase Order report will produce a dialog box similar to the one pictured below. Select the purchase order that needs to be checked in by either double clicking the purchase order number or by highlighting the purchase order number and clicking the Open button.



After selecting the purchase order, the program will return to the Part number to Search screen and display a screen similar to the one pictured below:


Results screen after checking in purchase order PO030907


By checking in the order, the program adds the quantity ordered to the quantity in stock, subtracts the quantity ordered from the QTY ON ORDER, and removes the PO# if all of the ordered parts came in. If there is still a QTY ON ORDER amount, then one of two things has happened:


1.       Some of the order was backordered and you edited the quantity using Edit Purchase Order for Back Orders in which case the backordered amount remains in the QTY ON ORDER field and the purchase order will remain in the Purchase Order Field.  Please Note: If you do not keep backorders, then you will have to manually remove the QTY ON ORDER and the PO# information for backordered parts.


2.      After this order was placed, enough of this part was sold such that the QTY plus the QTY ON ORDER again dropped below the MIN value. Another purchase order was generated for this part. The remaining amount in the QTY ON ORDER is the amount ordered in the remaining purchase order and the PO# listed is the most recent PO.



6. Delete Purchase Order

After launching the Delete Purchase Order report, a screen similar to the one pictured below is displayed:



To delete a purchase order simply double click the purchase order or highlight the purchase order and click the Open button. You will be presented with the following dialog box:


Click Yes to remove the Qty On Order status for each part number contained in the purchase order. This will clear the PO Number, Order Date, and Qty on Order fields for each part number contained in the purchase order.


7. Parts on Order

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you have on order. This list includes backordered parts as well as parts on orders currently in progress.  The PO# and the REORDER DATE fields indicate if this part is on an order currently in progress.


Qty-YTD subset reports


Qty_YTD Reports Screen with YTD Reports Displayed


1. Parts with Zero Quantity

This option produces a listing of all parts in your computer with QTY=0. (None in stock)


2. Parts with Quantity

This option produces a listing of all parts in your computer with QTY less than or greater than 0. (Stocked part)


3. Parts with Zero YTD

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you have not sold any of this year.  These are candidates for returning (we can always hope), salvage, write-off, etc.


4. Parts with YTD

This option produces a listing of all of the parts that you have sold this year.


5. Parts with zero QTY and zero YTD

This option produces a listing of all of the parts in your computer with QTY=0 and YTD=0. These are probably special order items that you ordered last year and kept in your computer for historical purposes.


6. Parts with zero QTY and non-zero YTD

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you have sold some of this year, but that you currently do not have in stock.

Please Note: If you started the year with these parts in your inventory, these might be oversights that need to be reordered. If these are special order parts, it makes your inventory statistics more accurate if you leave them in your computer.


7. Parts with non-zero QTY and zero YTD

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you have in stock but you have not sold any of this year.

Please Note: These are candidates for returning, salvage, write-off, etc.


8. Parts with non-zero QTY and non-zero YTD

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you have in stock and that you have sold some of this year.


Stock Reports


Reports Screen with Stock Reports Displayed


1. Pricebook of all parts in stock:

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you stock. The dealership list price is listed along with the quantity, bin, and YTD sales information.


Please Note: This report is excellent insurance against a computer failure. With this report in hand, you can continue to do business without your computer (marking usage on the paper in bright ink) allowing you to catch up when the computer is running again.


2. Pricebook with all Inventory Details:

This option produces a detailed listing of all of the parts you stock. The dealership list price is listed along with the quantity, bin information, and YTD sales information. This report prints out every piece of information about every part that you stock.


3. Pricebook showing average cost:

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you stock. The average cost price is listed along with the quantity, bin information, and YTD sales information.


Please Note: This report is excellent documentation of the actual cost of your inventory.


4. Pricebook showing replacement cost:

This option produces a listing of all of the parts that you stock. The current cost price is listed along with the quantity, bin information, and YTD sales information.


Please Note: This report is excellent documentation of the replacement cost of your inventory.


5. Calculate Value of Current Inventory:

This option displays very important inventory management information. This option shows how many parts you have sold so far this year and how many different part numbers were required to sell these parts.


Please Note: At the end of the year, if the number of different part numbers is way below the number of part numbers that you stock, you should consider a careful analysis of your parts. There is a very fine line between wasting too much of your capital in your parts inventory versus holding up service jobs (and also your money) waiting for parts.

This report also displays dollar totals for your inventory calculated by “average cost”, “current cost”, “suggested list price”, and “dealership list price”. The totals for “suggested list price” and “dealership list price” will match unless you are utilizing a custom pricing formula. These inventory totals are displayed for the current year. This report also details dollar totals for this year’s sales activity, as well as the previous nine years sales activity. Users will also notice a column that indicates the number of errors associated with each calculation. These errors represent parts that are currently set up in your inventory that are missing on of the following figures:


1.      Average Cost Price

2.      Honda (current) Cost Price

3.      Honda (suggested) List Price

4.      Dealership List Price


These are reported as errors simply because the value for “average cost”, “cost”, “list” or “dealership list” is $0.00 and therefore not included in the calculation that represents the dollar total. Any part number that has an error associated with it will appear at the top of the report with an explanation of the error. Users are encouraged to correct any errors in order to ensure accurate inventory totals! These are tools to assist you located in the Utilities menu.


The report also includes a count of parts in your inventory that are not in the Pricebook. These could be typographical mistakes or they could be parts that are so obsolete that Honda has dropped them from their “History Book”. When we provide price updates, we include a list of the parts that have been deleted from the Pricebook. If you discover that you have older inventory that is not included in the Pricebook, you will need to manually edit the cost, average cost, and List price fields using the Edit command for the specific part number.


6. End of Year Processing to reset YTD: (Close Year)

The Huggins Honda Inventory Control system provides YTD sales totals for each part number you inventory. The system also maintains a 9-year sales history for each part number you inventory. This option should only be used when you want to move the YTD count for each of the parts that you stock into the 9 year history. All of the history counts move down one year, and the oldest year is moved out of the history counts. It is very important that you do not interrupt the computer while this utility is running. If you do, you will have some parts with zeroed YTD fields and some that have not been zeroed. You will have to rerun the report to zero them all. The parts that are processed twice will have their history counts moved down two years as a result.


As a safeguard, once you launch this report the following dialog is displayed:



Click Yes to continue or No to cancel this action. Should you choose to continue, the program will rotate your current YTD totals to Year 1 of the history file and zero all current YTD totals. You will then be presented with the following dialog box:



Click Yes to create a printable report of all part numbers affected or No to continue without printing the report.


Please Note: This procedure needs to be conducted once a year in order to produce accurate YTD inventory totals. We recommend that you perform this option at the end of your fiscal year.


Please Note: This procedure should only be run ONCE per year. If you suspect this procedure has been run more than once, click here.


7. Pricebook sorted by Bin location:

This option produces a listing of all of the parts you stock, sorted by the Bin location for each part.


Please Note: This report is very useful when taking a physical inventory!

When you run this report, the following dialog box is presented:



Many dealers elect to print this report without the quantities printed to ensure that each part is counted during a physical inventory. Click Yes to produce the report with quantities included or No to omit the quantities. The resulting report includes dealership list price, bin information, and YTD sales information for each part you stock sorted by Bin location.


Utilities Screen with options Displayed


1. Set all Min’s and Max’s to current QTY

This is a good start to a perpetual inventory control system. As soon as a part is sold, it is recorded. You can tune MIN and MAX values at reorder time if needed.


2. Set all Avg Cost to current cost:

This utility is useful when valuing your parts stock if you were to sell your dealership.


3. Set all Avg cost that are 0 to current cost:

This utility will eliminate many error messages from the Year End Report.


4. Set all Avg cost that are 0 to 0.01:

This utility will eliminate many error messages from the Year-End Report.


5. Rotate YTD, Y-1, Y-2, etc. backwards

This utility is useful if you accidentally run a Year-End Report twice. The YTD fields will be rotated backwards every time you run this utility.


6. Set all QTY fields back to 0:

This is a safe way to “reset” your inventory before taking physical inventory.


Please Note: Users are encouraged to perform a backup of the existing inventory prior to running this utility!


Stock Database Utilities


Stock Database Utilities Screen with options Displayed


Check for Sort Errors:

This utility will examine your stock file database for sorting errors.

Repair Sort Errors:

This utility will repair your stock file database for sorting errors.

Check for Duplicate Parts:

This utility will examine your stock file database for duplicated part numbers

Delete Duplicate Parts:

This utility will delete duplicate part numbers found in your stock file database.

Check for Invalid Parts:

This utility will examine your stock file database for invalid part numbers

Delete Invalid Parts:

This utility will delete invalid part numbers found in your stock file database.

Price Database Utilities

Price Database Utilities Screen with options Displayed


Check for Sort Errors:

This utility will examine your price file database for sorting errors.

Repair Sort Errors:

This utility will repair your price file database for sorting errors.

Check for Duplicate Parts:

This utility will examine your price file database for duplicated part numbers

Delete Duplicate Parts:

This utility will delete duplicate part numbers found in your price file database.

Check for Invalid Parts:

This utility will examine your price file database for invalid part numbers

Delete Invalid Parts:

This utility will delete invalid part numbers found in your price file database.


Aftermarket Database Utilties



1. Aftermarket Database – Reserved

2. Aftermarket Database – Reserved

3. Aftermarket Database - Reserved

4. Aftermarket Database – Reserved

Reserved for future use. 

Pictures Menu


Pictures Screen with options Displayed

Show Pictures:

This option allows you to turn on or turn off parts images. A checkmark adjacent to the option indicates that it is currently turned on.

Crop Pictures:

This option allows you to turn on or turn off the cropping of the parts images displayed. Cropping the images will automatically size the windows the images are displayed in, saving you desktop space. A checkmark adjacent to the option indicates that it is currently turned on.

Tile Pictures:


Pictures – Tile Pictures Options


This option allows users to pre-set the display properties when multiple parts images are displayed.


Please Note: Users can manually move the pictures on the computer screen. Simply click and drag the window to its desired location.

Size Pictures


Pictures – Size Pictures Options


This option allows users to pre-set a picture size for parts images that are displayed.


Please Note: Users can manually size the pictures on the computer screen. Simply place your mouse pointer in one of the corners of the image window until it changes to a double-headed arrow. Once the cursor changes simply click the left mouse button and drag the window to the desired size.

Help Menu:


Help Menu with Options


Users Guide – Explain common tasks, reports, etc.

Clicking this option will open the web based User’s Guide to assist you with the operation of the Huggins Honda Program.

Reference Manual – Explain each menu and button

Clicking this option opens the web based Reference guide which you are currently reading.

Huggins on the Web (

Clicking on this option will initiate a connection to the Internet and connect you with the Huggins Web site. This site contains information on additional Huggins software programs, as well as information on price updates.

Support Web Site (

Clicking on this option will initiate a connection to the Internet and connect you with the Huggins Customer Service web site. This site contains information on program upgrades, updates, as well as current parts counts for the Honda price database.



Huggins Help Menu – About Dialog


Clicking on the About option will display a screen similar to the one pictured above. Users can reference the screen to obtain the following:


·        Program Version information and serial number.

·        Honda Price file date and parts count. (Total number of parts in current Honda Price Database)

·        Honda Stock file and parts count. (Total parts count in your current inventory database)

·        Honda Super file. (Date and parts count of superceded parts)

·        Honda After File. (Date and parts count of aftermarket cross reference parts)

·        Honda Inver File. (Date and parts count of the Huggins inver file)



Contact Information:


Mailing Address:

Huggins Outboard Computer Programs

7524 S Tanglewild Drive

Raleigh, NC 27613


Phone Numbers:

Phone: (919) 787-1836

Fax: (919) 787-1890


E-Mail Address:


Click here to send us an E-Mail message:


Honda Marine Business System, and Electronic Parts Catalog (EPC) are copyrighted software programs distributed by Honda.