The 1/2025 Mercury update is available for download.  
This is a major price change.  
   11,192 parts went up in price an average of 5.5%.  See the samples below.  
   1,470 parts also went DOWN in price, an average of 13%.
73 part numbers have been added since the previous update.
29 part numbers were superseded this month.  See the samples below.
41 new UPCs were added this month, for a total of 95,189 UPCs.  UPCs are a big help if you have a bar code scanner.
There are now 316,017 Mercury parts total with prices, aftermarket cross references with updated prices, updated supersedes, and updated UPC's.

Here are the recent Mercury price increases:
   On 1/2022, 32,709 parts went up in price an average of  7.6%.  
   On 5/2022, 38,095 parts went up in price an average of  8.0%.  
   On 7/2022,    455 parts went up in price an average of 12.0%.  
   On 1/2023, 17,562 parts went up in price an average of  5.8%.  
   On 1/2024, 14,872 parts went up in price an average of  7.6%.  
   On 1/2025, 11,192 parts went up in price an average of  5.5%.  

Sample Mercury price changes this month:

PART#.... DESCRIPTION...... D    OLD $$    NEW $$ DELTA %%   DELTA $$
--------- ----------------- - --------- --------- -------- ----------
30185T3   FUEL CONNECT@3          64.75     83.49      29%      18.74  
31229     SHAFT                   42.64     53.77      26%      11.13  
36405     PUMP ASSY-OIL           91.92    115.92      26%      24.00  
38565     FITTING-ELBOW           31.92     49.92      56%      18.00  
42038K02  IMPELLER @2             26.58     37.49      41%      10.91  
59362Q01  IMPELLER                44.95     56.58      26%      11.63  
801763855 STRAINER-WATER          64.42    149.25     132%      84.83  
812497A5  DIODE KIT              105.00    254.62     142%     149.62  
812497A6  DIODE KIT              105.00    250.38     138%     145.38  
821805A1  LOCK KIT-REVERSE       134.58    183.25      36%      48.67  
821926T1  GEAR-REVERSE           208.33    262.75      26%      54.42  
822244A1  SLEEVE KIT              30.00     43.25      44%      13.25  
823389    DRIVESHAFT-SHORT       208.33    263.50      26%      55.17  
828701A1  GEAR SET               427.14    803.79      88%     376.65  
847793    BALL BEARING           100.35    135.31      35%      34.96  
8477A2    CONN ROD ASSY          278.58    385.07      38%     106.49  
849500073 LABOR @.5 HR           170.00    264.37      56%      94.37  
849500530 LABOR @.5 HR           170.00    264.37      56%      94.37  
849500573 LABOR @1 HR            330.00    535.88      62%     205.88  
849500579 LABOR AT HR.           345.00    450.14      30%     105.14  
852067T98 PH 40/50 3 CYL        2998.75   4314.30      44%    1315.55  
854054001 HOSE VENT               32.00     75.92     137%      43.92  
854141    LINE-OIL               204.92    290.92      42%      86.00  
858765T1  DRIVESHAFT             384.29    772.93     101%     388.64  
866295A02 IAC ADAPTOR KIT        176.58    225.92      28%      49.34  
879172118 OIL RING                36.08     49.92      38%      13.84  
881943    DRIVESHAFT             366.67    640.86      75%     274.19  
896453    OARLOCK ASSY            33.71     45.65      35%      11.94  
898103T29 GEAR-REVERSE           236.75    316.58      34%      79.83  
8M0022059 BUSHING                 28.98     50.42      74%      21.44  
8M0024565 GASKET-HEAD            109.08    213.25      95%     104.17  
8M0060220 PH 150 PRO XS         6873.75   9821.45      43%    2947.70  
8M0073789 SHAFT-PROP LH          407.14    516.64      27%     109.50  
8M0093930 ELBOW                  409.92    799.93      95%     390.01  
8M0094481 GEAR, REVERSE LH       196.08    249.92      27%      53.84  
8M0096705 GEAR ASY, REV          146.08    192.58      32%      46.50  
8M0159549 OIL PUMP               540.93    797.27      47%     256.34  
8M0187031 GC 25-30 4S B S        562.50    728.55      30%     166.05  
8M0187032 GC 25-30 4S B L        562.50    728.55      30%     166.05  
8M0187033 GC 25-30 4S B XL       562.50    728.55      30%     166.05  
8M0188385 FUEL PUMP ASSY         100.50    143.25      43%      42.75  
8M0188396 GC 4-5 2S B S          550.00    285.70     -48%    -264.30  
8M0219845 THERMOSTAT ASSY        181.52    249.92      38%      68.40  
8M0219846 THERMOSTAT             185.85    249.92      34%      64.07  
8M6007284 STARTER                174.98    225.99      29%      51.01  
8M6007366 STARTER                226.65    294.99      30%      68.34  
8M6007448 ALTERNATOR             290.73    531.49      83%     240.76  
8M6007521 TILT/TRIM MOTOR        381.00    491.99      29%     110.99  
8M6007526 TILT/TRIM MOTOR        214.04    268.99      26%      54.95  
8M6007566 TILT/TRIM MOTOR        318.13    401.99      26%      83.86  
8M6014114 ALTERNATOR             290.73    531.49      83%     240.76  
8M6014120 STARTER                226.65    294.99      30%      68.34  
8M6014128 STARTER                174.98    225.99      29%      51.01  
8M6014135 TILT/TRIM MOTOR        318.13    401.99      26%      83.86  
8M6014149 TILT/TRIM MOTOR        214.04    268.99      26%      54.95  

Sample Mercury supersedes to a higher priced part this month:
OLD PART#  NEW PART#  DESCRIPTION            OLD $       NEW $
---------  ---------  ------------------  --------    --------
832010T28->8M0118174  FLYWHEEL ASSY-3CY     359.50 ->   620.14 +
855487   ->8M0225662  HOSE-OIL              222.33 ->   229.25 +
858022Q01->8M0229791  PREM TC-W3 @3          43.15 ->    43.99 +
8M0124428->8M0174563  BOLT                    4.10 ->     4.40 +
8M0182326->8M0231246  COWL TOP PRL FSN     3650.79 ->  3703.64 +
Please call 919-787-1836 for help installing this update. There is a new password in January each year.

There are two different locations to download these updates:



Inside your Mercury Inventory program, clicking Help, then Updates, will take you to one of these web sites.  
It does not matter which server you download from.  
One is in Oklahoma, one is in North Carolina.  
If one server is unavailable, just use the other one.

You will need the 2025 Mercury password to extract these files, the password is on your 2025 invoice.
The 2025 Mercury monthly price file subscription is $600.  
You should start this subscription in January so you get all of the months.
The subscription will end in December, no matter when you start it.
There is a “Buy Now” button with instructions on the download web site.
You can pay and get the 2025 password whenever you have time, 24/7.
If you need any help, please call Huggins at 919-787-1836.

Here is the monthly price change log for the past few months with a sample part number that changed in that month:

DATE      COUNT Sample Part                         OLD        NEW  CHG%   $CHANGE
------- ------- ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----- ---------
01/2025 316,017 59362Q01  IMPELLER           $    44.95 $    56.58   26%     11.63                             
12/2024 315,950 805515001 CAP-VALVE          $     3.50 $     2.70  -23%     -0.80 
11/2024 315,690 8M0105518 AUTHENTIC DEVICE   $   331.84 $   634.25   91%    302.41 
10/2024 315,519 8M0186827 ECU ASSY           $   422.21 $  1094.21  159%    672.00  
09/2024 315,267 883165    SUPPORT-ROCKERARM  $    21.00 $    99.92  376%     78.92  
08/2024 315,083 8M0210438 SPACER KIT-XXXL W  $ 1,594.01 $ 2,940.23   84%   1346.22  
07/2024 314,888 8M0223435 ECU 9.9 HP         $    13.90 $   325.00 2238%    311.10  
06/2024 314,567 5C4AG94KP ZEUS DR SC2.5 W/D  $54,080.00 $55,650.00    3%  1,570.00
05/2024 314,356 8M0225356 CLAMP KIT          $    93.46 $   201.58  116%    108.12
04/2024 314,149 8M0169291 INJECTOR RM 8.1    $   492.85 $   156.25  -68%   -336.60
03/2024 313,610 892453A01 CABLE ASY-FML/FML  $    21.29 $    26.50   24%      5.21 
02/2024 313,442 8M0177412 GEAR-FRONT         $ 1,605.64 $ 3,851.36  140%  2,245.72 
01/2024 313,257 77516A3   PUMP KIT-WATER     $    93.25 $   108.25   16%     15.00 
12/2023 313,188 807449R60 LB 5.7L-RM 96-UP   $ 3,662.50 $ 6,206.25   69%  2,543.75 
11/2023 312,928 841910A01 GEAR SET           $ 2,718.07 $ 1,344.21  -51% -1,373.86 
10/2023 312,903 8M0110673 HARNESS            $     9.54 $    31.11  226%     21.57 
09/2023 312,813 8M0210371 HARN-TLR/CWL 2M    $   340.64 $   555.39   63%    214.75 
08/2023 311,778 853814003 FUSE-15 AMPERE     $     3.50 $     3.62    3%      0.12 
07/2023 311,663 8M0063157->8M0192244  HOSE   $   250.25 $   315.85   26%     65.60 
06/2023 311,285 8M0185446 THROTTLE BODY      $   309.92 $   928.50  200%    618.58 
05/2023 311,107 8M0169266 OIL-RACE 4S 16GAL  $ 1,275.23 $ 1,929.86   51%    654.63 
04/2023 310,820 879172019->879312030  HOSE   $    36.08 $    46.08   28%     10.00 
03/2023 310,359 8M0007569->8M6001284         $   293.25 $   318.83    9%     25.58 
02/2023 310,002 8M0131443 CONNECTOR          $    18.17 $    86.58  376%     68.41 
01/2023 309,781 812497A5  DIODE KIT          $    93.06 $  1056.15 1035%    963.09 
12/2022 309,639 815471T1  CABLE KIT-SHIFT    $   214.25 $   254.75   19%     40.50 
11/2022 309,101 8M0169264 OIL-RACE 4S @6     $    21.70 $    35.34   63%     13.64 
10/2022 308,812 865172T   BRACKET-COIL       $    12.40 $    20.17   63%      7.77 
09/2022 308,594 M879192T  ROPE-48 INCHES     $     1.99 $     3.29   65%      1.30 
08/2022 308,203 51100008P QS ALPHA 1.47 DRI  $ 3,971.45 $ 2,118.75  -47% -1,852.70 
07/2022 308,055 8M0073198 ANTIFRZ 1GAL@6     $    21.50 $    50.73  136%     29.23 
06/2022 307,928 8M0145768 GC BASIC SILVR     $  1577.71 $  2627.07   67%   1049.36 
05/2022 307,738 861847    LINE-FUEL          $    56.58 $    70.92   25%     14.34 
04/2022 307,253 5P4AG94LP ZEUS DR W/DB PORT  $50,505.00 $59,540.00   18%  9,035.00 
03/2022 307,012 848602    LINE-FUEL          $    15.70 $    50.00  218%     34.30 
02/2022 306,939 8M0120862 SPRING KIT-VALVE   $   345.70 $ 1,235.70  257%    890.00 
01/2022 306,806 47370A1   BELLOWS ASSY       $   132.41 $   269.53  104%    137.12 
12/2021 306,099 8M0089423 KIT-STOW ROPE      $     2.52 $     6.99  177%      4.47 
11/2021 306,028 8M0157742 SENSOR-PRESSURE    $    57.17 $   166.58  191%    109.41 
10/2021 305,803 8M0078016 GEARLUBE 5 GAL     $   288.87 $   527.66   83%    238.79 
09/2021 305,676 8M0059836 INJECTOR RM 8.1    $   150.00 $   368.75  146%    218.75 
08/2021 305,552 96148T8   PUMP KIT-WATER     $    57.34 $    65.94   15%      8.60 
07/2021 305,370 880686A43 GC 3L DFI LONG     $ 5,085.71 $ 5,594.28   10%    508.57 
06/2021 305,204 897345T64 PUMP-HYDRAULIC     $   562.40 $   620.64   10%     58.24
05/2021 304,884 MGA506A1  COVER-MOUNTING     $     2.00 $    34.99 1650%     32.99
04/2021 304,501 426233    CHECK VALVE        $     6.30 $    24.95  296%     18.65
03/2021 304,223 8M0178511 CATALYST-EXHAUST   $   364.29 $   465.50   28%    101.21
02/2021 303,777 8M0176313 FILTER KIT FUEL    $    27.95 $    44.92   61%     16.97
01/2021 303,685 8053601   FUEL LINE          $    52.00 $    81.58   57%     29.58
12/2020 303,220 8M0174306 CATALYST-EXHAUST   $     0.00 $   985.79  BIG%    985.79
11/2020 302,899 8M0167001 BRV4S 19.5 LHF 4B  $   571.43 $ 1,000.00   75%    428.57
10/2020 302,547 8M0060815 PARTS BAG          $     8.50 $    10.20   20%      1.70
09/2020 302,442 8M0092066 PLUG RECEPTACLE    $    20.99 $    26.99   29%      6.00
08/2020 302,365 803108T2  REPAIR KIT-GEAR    $ 1,102.29 $ 2,163.93   96%  1,061.64
07/2020 302,170 8M0157708 FILTER KIT-FUEL    $   159.18 $   190.56   20%     31.38
06/2020 302,087 8M0142205 ACCENT PNL RED V8  $   655.00 $   670.00    2%     15.00
05/2020 301,963 8M0167288 HOSE KIT 10 FT     $    93.98 $   194.47  107%    100.49
04/2020 301,900 8M4003352 BOLT KIT           $     0.00 $    10.36  100%     10.36
03/2020 301,723 8M6008208 MODULE-DISTRIB.    $    79.32 $   209.25  164%    129.93
02/2020 301,491 8M0143423 NUT                $     0.00 $     7.40  100%      7.40
01/2020 301,238 11700M    PLATE              $    15.00 $    18.00   20%      3.00
12/2019 301,100 879172264 MANUAL-OPERATION   $    26.95 $    28.00    4%      1.05
11/2019 300,958 8M0129554 CARBURETOR         $   370.64 $   844.29  128%    473.65
10/2019 300,690 8M0121133 DECAL-MERCURY      $     0.09 $     7.08  BIG%      6.99
09/2019 300,490 8M0046699 MOUNT-REAR         $   292.23 $   461.54   58%    169.31
08/2019 300,320 8M0157899 BOLT               $     4.00 $    21.82  446%     17.82
07/2019 299,973 8M6007404 STARTER            $   129.45 $   187.00   44%     57.55
06/2019 299,778 8M0152624 B1FS 15.25X23.5RH  $   808.94 $   841.30    4%     32.36
05/2019 299,379 8M0136941 CABLE-RED POS      $    75.58 $   133.08   76%     57.50
04/2019 299,125 8M0149736 TURBOCHARGER       $   747.74 $  1373.33   84%    625.59
03/2019 298,580 8M0146566 BEARING CUP CONE   $    26.75 $    55.25  107%     28.50
02/2019 298,256 835271Q09 FLO TORQ IV KIT    $    72.28 $   125.11   73%     52.83
01/2019 298,033 8M0137816 THERMOSTAT         $    64.00 $   100.83   58%     36.83
12/2018 297,969 8M0136942 CABLE-BLACK NEG    $    32.75 $    75.58  131%     42.83
11/2018 299,336 8M0101601 FLO TORQ SSR HD    $   169.95 $   171.65    1%      1.70
10/2018 299,132 8M0135386 FUEL FILTER KIT    $   159.83 $   291.67   82%    131.84
09/2018 298,429 8M0146122 PROP               $   500.00 $   816.67   63%    316.67
08/2018 298,209 8M0103294 DSH SILVER L       $   527.14 $   592.86   12%     65.72
07/2018 295,700 8M0145465 FUEL PUMP KIT      $    50.28 $   141.67  182%     91.39
06/2018 295,273 825122A2  Gear Housing Assem $   182.25 $   258.33   42%     76.08

Please check the price of the sample part number to verify that your price update was loaded to the correct folder. The default folder of c:\huggins is correct for most single user installations. Network installations will usually be h:\huggins. Contact your network administrator if you cannot get the prices loaded to the correct folder. Pressing F9 in the Huggins inventory program will show you the folder that your program is currently using.

For questions about this web page, please contact:
Huggins Outboard         (919) 787-1836
Attn: Robert Huggins     (919) 787-1890 fax
7524 Tanglewild Drive
Raleigh, NC 27613