Web Based Cross Reference Tool
These companies changed for 11/15/2024:
11/15/2024 BRP SEADOO.... SeaDoo, SkiDoo, & ATV 11
11/15/2024 DIV DIV MAR PR Diversified Marine Prod 11
11/15/2024 GLM GLM PRODS. GLM Products 11
11/15/2024 HON HONDA..... Honda Marine (Outboards) 11
11/15/2024 KAW KAWASAKI.. Kawasaki 11
11/15/2024 KMS KELLOGG... Kellogg Marine Supply 11
11/15/2024 LNS LAND'N'SEA Land'N'Sea 11
11/15/2024 MCO MESCO..... MESCO 11
11/15/2024 MED MEDART.... Medart 11
11/15/2024 MER MERCURY... Mercury/MerCruiser/Mariner/Force 11
11/15/2024 MWI MWHOLESALE Marine Wholesale, Inc. 11
11/15/2024 OMC EVINRUDE/J Evinrude/Johnson/OMC/Rotax 11
11/15/2024 SCO SEACOAST.. Seacoast 11
11/15/2024 SUZ SUZUKI.... Suzuki 11
11/15/2024 SYS SYSTEMATCH SysteMatched (Evinrude sold thru channels) 11
11/15/2024 UPC UPC....... Bar Code / Universal Product Code 11
11/15/2024 USD US DIST... US Distributing 11
11/15/2024 VOL VOLVO..... Volvo 11
11/15/2024 YAM YAMAHA.... Yamaha 11
There are now three XREF websites:
1. Raleigh (hug911.com:81/usa.html)
2. North Raleigh (hugxref.com)
3. Oklahoma City (hugginsweb.com/usa.html) <---- You are on this site right now!
There are links to all of the "Member Portal" sites on the www.hugginsweb.com site.
If you are having trouble reaching a cross reference site, visit
https://www.hugginsweb.com and you will find a working site under "Member Portal".
You should bookmark the www.hugginsweb.com site in case the cross reference site you normally use is down one day.
Additional cross references!
Beware that the farther down the screen you go past the first alphabetical order search of cross references,
the better the chance that you are seeing a cross reference of a cross reference.
This might or might not be what you want. Please use caution as you learn the new cross reference levels.
You can always tell the XREF which company to look for by adding the 3 character prefix to the partnumber.
There can be ambiguity in cases where more than one company has the same part number.
Example 1: Entering ARC6250 will work even if the XREF is finding that 6250 is a Mercury part number (1399-6250).
Example 2: Entering VOL375580 will work even if the XREF is finding that the 6 character 375580 is an Evinrude part number and adding a 0 to the front of it.
Example 3: Mercury, Kawasaki, and Globe all have a part number 1000.
You can enter MER1000 to see the Mercury part.
You can enter GLO1000 to see the Globe part.
You can enter KAW1000 to see the Kawasaki part.
If you enter 1000, you get the Mercury 1327-1000 which supersedes to 1327-1118. This is by design. Mercury is the bigger OEM.
Please email robert@hugginsweb.com with feedback.
(Data) New supersede links were loaded on this web service on 11/15/2024.
(Data) New marine industry prices were loaded on this web service on 11/15/2024.
(Data) New cross references were loaded on this web service on 11/15/2024.
(Program) This cloud based XREF program executable was updated on 4/25/2024.
(Pictures) The pictures were last updated on 10/15/2023.
(Web page) This front end web page was updated on 11/15/2024.
Click here to see the list of companies included and the date of their last price file update included in the Huggins Cross Reference.
Read the help file for the windows desktop version, many of the concepts are the same here on the web version.
To buy one license to the online cross reference for $995 (2024 price), click "Pay Now" below:
Click here to open a list of internet based parts catalogs (NC site) in a new browser tab. (Online EPC) (With 7/2022 Updates)
Click here to open a list of internet based parts catalogs (OK site) in a new browser tab. (Online EPC) (With 7/2022 Updates)
Click here to visit our production web site, http://www.hugginsweb.com
For questions about this web page, please contact:
Huggins Outboard (919) 787-1836
Attn: Robert Huggins (919) 787-1890 fax
7524 South Tanglewild Drive robert@hugginsweb.com
Raleigh, NC 27613